Bernard Carr (b 1949) is a cosmologist and author, Emeritus Professor of Mathematics and Astronomy at Queen Mary University of London. Carr has a long association with the Society for Psychical Research, serving as its president in 2000-2004. He is interested in the role of consciousness in physics and is working towards a new psycho-physical paradigm linking matter and mind, that accommodates both normal and paranormal mental experiences.
Source: Psi Encyclopedia
In his capacity as a Council member of the Society for Psychical Research, Professor Carr attended The Scole Experiment as a member of the investigating team.
The Scole Report (Proceedings of the Society for Psychical Research Vol. 58, Part 220) is a comprehensive record of the conduct of the investigation of The Scole Experiment, which includes Professor Carr's contribution.
In the video Hyperspace, Consciousness, and Time with Bernard Carr he shares, with Jeffrey Mishlove PhD, his thinking about how consciousness and psychic phenomena can best be integrated into theoretical physics. He describes the history of thinking regarding hyperspace as well as his own preferred models of consciousness. He also shares some insights into the nature of time and the "specious present" that we experience as human organisms.
At 40:20 on this video, Carr discusses the hypothesis that 'biofields' could be an explanation for some psi phenomena like ESP or miraculous healing, but there is no current way of measuring them.
Psychical Research and Parapsychology with Bernard Carr
Here he shares his passion for parapsychology and psychical research and describes several of his own experiments. He also reviews the history of these disciplines, from his unique perspective as a physicist and astronomer. The discussion touches on questions of postmortem survival, reincarnation, telepathy, and UFOs. He shares his memories of the late Professor Ian Stevenson as well as his admiration for Sir Oliver Lodge.
Consciousness and Cosmology with Bernard Carr
Here he explains how he has endeavored to maintain professional interests in psychical research, spirituality, physics, and cosmology. He notes that his own interest in the paranormal was stimulated by a series of out-of-body experiences. He suggests that a physical understanding of consciousness will most likely entail a theory incorporating higher dimensions of space. He also describes his work on the anthropic cosmological principle as well as primordial black holes.
Consciousness and Cosmology with Bernard Carr
Here he explains how he has endeavored to maintain professional interests in psychical research, spirituality, physics, and cosmology. He notes that his own interest in the paranormal was stimulated by a series of out-of-body experiences. He suggests that a physical understanding of consciousness will most likely entail a theory incorporating higher dimensions of space. He also describes his work on the anthropic cosmological principle as well as primordial black holes.
Bernard Carr - Can Science and Theology Find Deep Reality?
Some say that science and theology together reveal deep reality. Others say that only science makes sense; theology is myth. Which maximizes knowledge of the most profound issues of existence and human experience? Science alone?
Bernard Carr - Why Cosmic Fine-tuning Demands Explanation
The universe works for us because deep physical laws seem to work. But if the values of these laws would much change, in either direction, then all we see and know could not exist. No galaxies. No stars. No planets. No people. Do such special physical laws cry out for explanation?
Bernard Carr - Alien Intelligences
Whether there are other intelligences in the vast cosmos is one of the big questions of human existence and perhaps of existence in general. Estimates using probabilities almost always portray a universe teeming with sentient creatures. Any implication of human uniqueness seems to contradict basic assumptions of science. And yet, there is no sign of alien intelligences, none whatsoever. Why?
Bernard Carr - Ultimate Questions: Do They Evolve?
Ask the most fundamental questions; make the most penetrating inquires; probe the deep essence of existence. Push boundaries. Search the foundations of reality. Imagine all that may exist in physics and cosmology, even beyond current understanding. Then ask how such ultimate questions may change over time.
Bernard Carr - Fine-Tuning in Cosmology
What enables structures to form in the universe? How did galaxies, stars and planets develop from the primeval plasma soup? What are the laws of nature that bring about these cosmic bodies and did those laws have to be just so? Is it legitimate science to see fine-tuning in cosmology?
Making space and time for matter and mind
Presentation by Bernard Carr during Essentia Foundation's 2020 online work conference.
Can an Extended Science Bridge the Worlds of Matter, Mind, and Spirit?
A full understanding of the universe must encompass the three worlds of matter, mind and spirit, as well as building bridges between them. While physics has been remarkably successful in describing the material world, from the smallest scales of particle physics to the largest scales of cosmology, it currently makes no reference to consciousness and associated mental or spiritual experiences. Indeed, most physicists adopt a materialist and reductionist view in which consciousness is just an incidental by-product of the brain. However, many arguments from physics itself suggest that consciousness is a fundamental rather than incidental feature of the Universe, so it is natural to extend physics to accommodate it. This is especially true if one believes in certain anomalous interactions between consciousness and the physical world. However, this will require a radically different physical paradigm from the one that currently prevails. Bernard Carr is Emeritus Professor of Mathematics and Astronomy at Queen Mary University of London. His professional area of research is cosmology and relativistic astrophysics and includes such topics as the early universe, black holes, dark matter, and the anthropic principle. His recent books are Universe or Multiverse? (2007) and Quantum Black Holes (2014). He believes that physics must expand to accommodate consciousness and mental phenomena. Professor Carr is President of the Scientific and Medical Network and former president of the Society for Psychical Research. Source: Theosophical Society
Psi Encyclopedia
Chris Carter (1956-)
Christopher Carl Carter (born 13 October 1956) is an American television and film producer, director, and writer who gained fame in the 1990s as the creator of the Fox science fiction supernatural drama series The X-Files. This series contains many psi themes which qualify it for inclusion in the 'psi-fi genre'.
The X-Files Story Arc(s)
At the start of their investigations, Mulder believes in the existence of aliens and the paranormal while Scully, a medical doctor and a skeptic, is assigned to scientifically analyze Mulder's discoveries, offer alternate rational theories to his work, and thus return him to mainstream cases. Early in the series, both agents become pawns in a larger conflict and come to trust only each other and a few select people. The agents also discover an agenda of the government to keep secret the existence of extraterrestrial life. They develop a close relationship which begins as a platonic friendship, but becomes a romance by the end of the series. In addition to the series-spanning story arc, 'monster of the week' episodes form roughly two-thirds of all episodes. |
AESCHYLUS: Aeschylus (525-456 BCE) AKSAKOV: Alexander Aksakov {aka Aksakof} (1832–1903) AL-MASUDI: Al-Masudi (c. 896-956) AUERBACH: Loyd Auerbach (1956-) B
BACKSTER: Cleve Backster (1924-2013) BALFOUR: Arthur Balfour (1848-1930) BALFOUR: Gerald Balfour (1853-1945) BARRETT: William Barrett (1845-1925) BELOFF: John Beloff (1920-2006) BENDER: Hans Bender (1907-1991) BERGSON Henri Bergson (1859-1941) BESTERMAN: Theodore Besterman (1904-1976) BOSANQUET: Theodora Bosanquet (1881-1961) BOZZANO: Ernesto Bozzano (1862-1943) BRAUD: William G Braud ((1942-2012) C
CARINGTON: Whately Carington (1892-1947) CARR: Bernard Carr (1949-) CARRINGTON: Hereward Carrington (1880-1958) CARTER: Chris Carter (1956-) CASSIRER: Manfred Cassirer (1920-2003) CHRISTIE-MURRAY: David Christie-Murray (1913-2010) CORNELL: Tony Cornell (1923-2010) CROOKES: William Crookes (1832-1919) CURIE: Marie Curie (1867-1934) CURIE: Pierre Curie (1859-1906) D
DAVIS: Andrew Jackson Davis (1826-1910) DESSOIR: Max Dessoir (1867-1941) DICK: Philip K Dick DINGWALL: Eric Dingwall (1890-1986) DODDS: ER Dodds (1893-1979) DOYLE: Arthur Conan Doyle (1859-1930) DRAYTON THOMAS: Charles Drayton Thomas (1868-1953) DRIESCH: Hans Driesch (1867-1941) DUCASSE: CJ Ducasse (1881-1969) E
EDMONDS: John W Edmonds (1799-1874) EISENBUDD: Jule Eisenbud (1908-1999) ELLISON: Arthur Ellison (1920-2000) EVANS: Hilary Evans (1929-2011) F
FAIRFIELD: Letitia Fairfield (1885-1978) FENWICK: Peter Fenwick FIELDING: Everard Feilding (1867-1936) FLAMMARION: Camille Flammarion (1842-1925) FLOURNOY: Théodore Flournoy (1854-1920) FODOR: Nandor Fodor (1895-1964) FONTANA: David Fontana (1934-2010) G
GARLAND: Hamlin Garland (1861-1940) GAULD: Alan Gauld (1932-) GELEY: Gustave Geley (1868-1924) GILBERT: Mostyn Gilbert (1924-1992) GOLDNEY: Mollie Goldney (1895-1992) GREEN: Andrew Green (1927-2004) GREGORY: Anita Gregory (1925-1984) GROSSE: Maurice Grosse (1919-2006) GURNEY: Edmund Gurney (1847-1888) H
HARDY: Alister Hardy (1896-1985) HARE: Robert Hare (1781-1858) HERBERT: Benson Herbert (1912-1991) HEYWOOD: Rosalind Heywood (1895-1980) HODGSON: Richard Hodgson (1855-1905) HONORTON: Charles Honorton (1946-1992) HYSLOP: James Hyslop (1854-1920) I
INGLIS: Brian Inglis (1916-1993) J
JAMES: William James (1842-1910) JOAD: CEM Joad (1891-1953 K
KEEN: Montague Keen (1926-2004) KOESTLER: Arthur Koestler (1905-1983) L
LACHMAN: Gary Lachman [aka Gary Valentine] (1955-) LAMBERT: Guy Lambert (1889-1984) LANG: Andrew Lang (1844-1912) LOMBROSO: Cesare Lombroso (1835-1909) LYTTELTON: Edith Lyttelton (1865-1948) M
MACKENZIE: Andrew Mackenzie (1911-2001) MARCEL: Gabriel Marcel (1889-1973) MCCONNELL: Robert A McConnell (1914-2006) MCDOUGAL: William McDougall (1871-1938) MEDHURST: George Medhurst (1920-1971) MISHLOVE: Jeffrey Mishlove (1946-) MOODY: Raymond Moody (1944-) MORRIS: Robert Morris (1942-2004) MORSELLI: Enrico Morselli (1852-1929) MUNDLE: Clement Mundle (1916-1989) MURPHY: Gardner Murphy (1895-1979) MURRAY: Gilbert Murray (1866-1957) MYERS: Frederic WH Myers (1843-1901) |
NICOL: John Fraser Nicol (?-1989) NOYES: Ralph Noyes (1923-1998) O
OSIS: Karlis Osis (1917-1997) OWEN: ARG Owen (1919-2003) P
PETERS: William J Peters PEROVSKY-PETROVO-SOLOVONO: Count Perovsky-Petrovo-Solovovo (1868-1954) PHILLIMORE: Mercy Phillimore (1885-1975) PIDDINGTON: John Piddington (1869-1952) PIERCE: Charles Peirce (1839–1914) PODMORE: Frank Podmore (1856-1910) PRATT: JG Pratt (1910-1979) PRICE: Harry Price (1881-1948) PRICE: HH Price (1899-1984) PRIESTLY: JB Priestley (1894-1984) PRINCE: Walter Franklin Prince (1863-1934) PUHARICH: Andrija Puharich (1918-1995) Q
RHINE: JB Rhine (1895-1980) RHINE: Louisa E Rhine (1891-1983) RICHET: Charles Richet (1850-1935) ROBINSON: Chris Robinson (1951) ROGO: David Scott Rogo (1950-1990) ROLL: William Roll (1926-2012) ROY: Archie Roy (1924-2012) S
SALTER: William Salter (1880-1969) SALTMARSH: HF Saltmarsh (1881-1943) SCHMEIDLER: Gertrude Schmeidler (1912-2009) SCHNITTGER: Karin Schnittger SCHNITTGER: Walter Schnittger SCHRENK-NOTZING: Albert von Schrenck-Notzing (1862-1929) SEMKIW: Walter Semkiw SHELDRAKE: Rupert Sheldrake (1942) SHRODER: Tom Shroder SIDGWICK: Eleanor Sidgwick (1845-1936) SIDGWICK: Henry Sidgwick (1838-1900) SOAL: SG Soal (1890-1975) STEAD: William T Stead (1849-1912) STEVENSON: Ian Stevenson, (1918-2007) STRATTON: FJM Stratton (1881-1960) STRUTT: John Strutt, 3rd Baron Rayleigh (1842-1919) STRUTT: Robert Strutt, 4th Baron Rayleigh (1875-1947) SUDRE: René Sudre (1880-1968) T
TENHAEFF: WHC Tenhaeff (1894-1981) THALBOURNE: Michael A Thalbourne (1955-2010) THOULESS: Robert Thouless (1894-1984) THURSTON: Herbert Thurston (1856-1939) TYRELL: GNM Tyrrell (1879-1952) U
ULLMAN: Montague Ullman (1916-2008) UNDERWOOD: Peter Underwood (1923-2014) W
WALLACE: Alfred Russel Wallace (1823-1913) WARCOLLIER: René Warcollier (1881-1962) WHITEMAN: Michael Whiteman (1906-2007) X
ZÖLLNER: Johann Friedrich Zöllner (1834–1882) ZORAB: George Zorab (1898-1990) |