The Society for Psychical Research (SPR) hosted The Scole Debate on 11 December 1999 at Kensington Library in London. Grant Solomon and Jane Solomon, authors of The Scole Experiment: Scientific Evidence for Life After Death, were given permission to film. In our interview with Professor Emeritus Ivor Grattan Guinness, he says he was intrigued: 'The lights I caught in my hands at The Scole Experiment had mass. Multiple Big Bang, co-present, parallel universe theory may explain it. The big problem is: how do the dimensions interact?'
The Scole Report: An account of an investigation into the Genuineness of a range of Physical Phenomena associated with a Mediumistic Group in Norfolk, England
(First edition 1 Nov 1999) Book for the scientific reader covering two years of The Scole Experiment In 1994 the development of psychic phenomena in Robin Foy's Group at the Scole Farmhouse came to the attention of the Society of Psychical Research. This report is the outcome of a two year investigation of the Group. It was conducted principally by three senior members of the Society for Psychical Research - the authors of this report. The authors' diverse professional backgrounds together with their many years of investigation of paranormal phenomena and the fact that most of the events described were experienced or witnessed simultaneously by at least three seasoned investigators improves the probability of authenticity. In the course of over 20 sittings, from 1995 to 1997, the investigators, together with other occasional researchers/sitters, witnessed a wide range of phenomena and were unable to detect any direct indication of fraud or deception. They encountered evidence favouring the hypothesis of intelligent forces able to influence material objects, and to convey associated meaningful messages, both visual and aural.
The Scole Experiment: Scientific Evidence for Life After Death
(First edition 7 Oct 1999) Book for the general reader covering all five years of The Scole Experiment REVIEW - TIME OUT - October 1999 Is there life after death? Reading this remarkable book may convince even the most hardened sceptic, with its apparently solid scientific evidence for our continuing survival once we have shuffled off this mortal coil. What distinguishes the experiments chronicled here from other attempts to 'prove' that there is an afterlife are the rigorous protocols under which they were carried out. With chance, coincidence and connivance carefully eliminated, spectacular results were still achieved: handwriting, hieroglyphs and messages appearing on factory-sealed film, coins materialising, and lights dancing in front of impartial observers. Written in a calm, precise and dispassionate style, the book comes in advance of The Scole Report, which will shortly be published as an official Proceedings of the Society for Psychical Research (SPR). Who is Blue-Two? This ‘Visitor’ appeared at The Scole Experiment during the Project Alice Video Experiments. If any government or citizen knows, should they disclose who BlueTwo is? Who is Blue? This ‘Visitor’ appeared at The Scole Experiment during the Project Alice Video Experiments. If any government or citizen knows, should they disclose who Blue is?
Human face in a bubble - 28 March 1998
This image is a grab from a video experiment on 28 March 1998. There is a man’s face in the bubble-like sphere on the right – he appears to be wearing glasses. Another face is just in the process of forming behind him. The Scole Group was told by the communicating 'spirit team' that these pictures showed 'other areas of communication or existence', i.e. they are not from our known material universe.
This image is Plate 44 from The Scole Experiment: Scientific Evidence for Life After Death.
Albinoni's Adagio music [] with two aligned 'compass' crystals created 'special' conditions for a communication from 'a distant dimension'... (Diary - Sun 1 June 1997) "We then had a brand new form of voice communication altogether; a voice speaking independently to us from a distant dimension. We were told that this particular new form of communication was enabled by a combination of the special music - ‘Adagio’ by Albinoni - and the crystals." Also see 'Albinoni's Adagio' on 23 May 1997 (Diary - Fri 23 May 1997) "We were again given the name of the classical music piece that Edwin and Emily had previously referred to as being inspired by spirit - Albinoni’s Adagio [] - and I was asked to prepare a tape containing only this piece of music playing over and over again, for some particularly special work that the team had in mind. After the session, I did as they asked." Also see 'Music and crystals create conditions for communication' on Sun 1 June 1997 The Dragon Film 'transmitted' to the Scole cellar 17 January 1997'I oversaw the security at The Scole Experiment for the "padlocked box" photographic experiments. I have no normal explanation for how the images got onto the film'. —Dr Walter Schnittger Dr Walter Schnittger, a consultant engineer, with his wife Karen, an interpreter, travelled to take part in The Scole Experiment from Germany to oversee the security for the 'padlocked box' paranormal photographic experiments. They attended a number of experimental sessions at Scole. Discover more about their experiences via the links below. Links Walter and Karin Schnittger video interview on Psi People blog The Scole Experiment: Scientific Evidence for Life After Death The Scole Report: An account of an investigation into the Genuineness of a range of Physical Phenomena associated with a Mediumistic Group in Norfolk, England The Scole Experiment: Scientific Evidence for Life After Death
X-Ray of Fingers photograph Image from 6 Dec 1996 appearing to show X-Ray impressions of investigator’s fingers. 6 Dec 1996 experimental session. 6 people present. A Polachrome film was purchased and brought to the Scole cellar by investigators from Germany, engineer Dr Walter Schnittger and his wife, Karen, a translator. It was placed in the 'Alan' box and held throughout by Dr Schnittger. Developed by him that evening, the film appears to show X-ray-type impressions of his fingers and thumb. These images are reproduced on Plates 16 and 17 in The Scole Experiment: Scientific Evidence for Life After Death 'The Golden Chain of Homer' Photographic Film Message On 13 July 1996, this phrase Perfectio consummata seu Quinta Essentia Universalis was transmitted (in scrawled 'handwriting' - how?) on to an unopened roll of Polachrome 35 mm 12-exposure colour transparency film during a session attended by Professor Archie Roy (see below), one of the world's leading specialists in astrophysics. This phrase was interpreted by one adviser as meaning From chaos to the highest summit of mankind. Another specialist from the SPR, Dr Alan Gauld, translated it as "Completed perfection, or the Fifth Universal Essence: part of the highly symbolic device which begins the chain with chaos and confusion and ends with perfection, representing Man’s progress towards the light". Detective work by Professor Roy's investigating colleagues from the Society for Psychical Research (SPR) established that the symbols allude to the Golden Chain of Homer (Aurea Cantena Homeri). This does indeed symbolise a journey which begins with chaos and confusion, and ends with perfection, thus representing Man’s progress towards the Light. The following two images are text from pages 129 and 130 of The Scole Experiment: Scientific Evidence for Life After Death Professor Archie Roy, investigator of The Scole Experiment Learn more about the Society for Psychical Research (SPR) An eye-witness account of an 'energy sphere' light by Professor David Fontana Professor Fontana was one of the three principal authors of The Scole Report, the scientific investigation of The Scole Experiment conducted by members of the Society for Psychical Research (SPR). -------------------- ENGLISH TRANSLATION Report from a skeptical witness [Professor David Fontana (D.F.)] 'I (D.F.) now want to try to describe the light. The small energy sphere had a very vibrant, intense, bright green colour, so bright it was almost white in the middle. It had a round shape of about 5-7 mm in diameter. It was controlled by an external intelligence, as it performed various activities that were required by those present. The light passed through the table in the middle of the room at different speeds, both quietly and with a small knocking sound at the point of impact. On a dozen occasions, I felt it touch or pass through the material of my trouser leg. I want to compare the sensation with the soft touch of a finger, which is easy to perceive. The bullet landed gently on my outstretched hand twice, and the light that emanated from it illuminated my two hands and part of my clothing within an area of about three inches in diameter. This enabled me to observe the structure of the light more closely, and I can only describe it as a miniature version of the planet Jupiter or Uranus, with something that appeared as the outer surface of turbulent clouds. I could feel it touch my fingers, but whether that sensation was due to weight or radiated energy, I cannot say. But I felt it. (Text source: ZSTK, Vol. III, No. 1/2, 1996, S. 91f.) -------------------- ORIGINAL GERMAN Bericht eines skeptischen Zeugen [Professor David Fontana (D.F.)] 'Ich (D.F.) möchte nun versuchen, das Licht zu beschreiben. Die kleine Energiekugel hatte ein sehr lebendiges, intensiv-helles Grün, so hell, dass es in der Mitte nahezu weiß war. Sie besaß eine runde Form von etwa 5-7 mm Durchmesser. Sie wurde von einer äußeren Intelligenz gesteuert, da sie verschiedene Aktivitäten ausführte, die von den Anwesenden verlangt wurden. Das Licht ging mit unterschiedlichen Geschwindigkeiten durch den in der Mitte des Raumes stehenden Tisch hindurch, sowohl still als auch mit einem kleinen Klopfgeräusch an der Auftreffstelle. Bei einem Dutzend Gelegenheiten fühlte ich seine Berührung oder sein Hindurchgehen durch das Material meines Hosenbeins. Ich möchte die Empfindung mit dem zarten Antippen eines Fingers vergleichen, das leicht wahrzunehmen ist. Die Kugel landete zweimal sanft auf meiner ausgestreckten Hand und das Licht, das von ihr ausging, beleuchtete meine beiden Hände und einen Teil meiner Bekleidung innerhalb eines Bereiches von etwa 23 cm Durchmesser. Dies ermöglichte mir, die Struktur des Lichtes näher zu beobachten, und ich kann es nur als eine Miniaturausgabe des Planeten Jupiter oder Uranus beschreiben, mit etwas, das als äußere Oberfläche aus turbulenten Wolken erschien. Ich fühlte, wie es meine Finger berührte, ob aber diese Empfindung auf das Gewicht oder auf die ausgestrahlte Energie zurückzuführen war, kann ich nicht sagen. Aber ich fühlte es.' (Textquelle: ZSTK, Vol. III, No. 1/2, 1996, S. 91f.) Interested in finding out more about these subjects? Consider joining the Society for Psychical Research (SPR) ANYONE OVER 16 is welcome to join the SPR – students, researchers in all disciplines, and members of the public from all walks of life. Membership does not imply acceptance of any particular opinion concerning the nature or reality of the phenomena examined. The SPR holds no corporate view, and members hold a range of perspectives. Join SPR here If you are not ready to join just yet, you can sign up to their mailing list for news of SPR activities. Sign up to mailing list only. (Diary Fri 30 Jun 1995)
"... the silver-green, crystal-like, light source in the glass dome became illuminated - and the dome once again lit up like a light bulb!" Srimad Bhagavatam (aka 'Bhagavata Purana') text image 2 A further image from the Srimad Bhagavatam arrived during The Scole Experiment on 10 March 1995. The first image had arrived on 13 January 1995. This image is reproduced on Plate 9 in The Scole Experiment: Scientific Evidence for Life After Death See previous Srimad Bhagavatam images post for more. Srimad Bhagavatam (aka 'Bhagavata Purana' - see below) text image 1 On 13 January 1995, this photographic image of text from the Srimad Bhagavatam was transmitted by the communicating spirit team during The Scole Experiment on to factory-sealed, Polaroid Polapan 35 mm slide film. The Romanised text is: yad atra kriyate karma bhagavat-paritosanam jnanam yat tad adhinam hi bhakti-yoga-samanvitam Scole medium, Diana Bennett, was later guided to a Sanskrit text in an Oxfam shop, which was one of the eighteen translated volumes of the Bhagavatam. It turned out to be the one which contained the translation of the transmitted text. Coincidence? The translation is: Whatever work is done here in this life for the satisfaction of the mission of the Lord is called bhakti-yoga or transcendental loving service to the Lord and what is called knowledge becomes a concomitant factor This image is reproduced on Plate 8 in The Scole Experiment: Scientific Evidence for Life After Death Srimad Bhagavatam text image 2 A further image from the Srimad Bhagavatam arrived during The Scole Experiment on 10 March 1995. It too was in the translated volume the Scole Group now owned. This image is reproduced on Plate 9 in The Scole Experiment: Scientific Evidence for Life After Death What is the Bhagavata Purana? The Bhagavata Purana (Sanskrit: भागवतपुराण; IAST: Bhāgavata Purāṇa), also known as the Srimad Bhagavatam, Srimad Bhagavata Mahapurana or simply Bhagavata, is one of Hinduism's eighteen great Puranas (Mahapuranas). Composed in Sanskrit and available in almost all Indian languages, it promotes bhakti (devotion) to Krishna, integrating themes from the Advaita (monism) philosophy of Adi Shankara, the Vishishtadvaita (qualified monism) of Ramanujacharya and the Dvaita (dualism) of Madhvacharya. The Bhagavata Purana, like other puranas, discusses a wide range of topics including cosmology, astronomy, genealogy, geography, legend, music, dance, yoga and culture. As it begins, the forces of evil have won a war between the benevolent devas (deities) and evil asuras (demons) and now rule the universe. Truth re-emerges as Krishna, (called "Hari" and "Vāsudeva" in the text) – first makes peace with the demons, understands them and then creatively defeats them, bringing back hope, justice, freedom and happiness – a cyclic theme that appears in many legends. Source: Wikipedia This image is reproduced on Plate 5 in The Scole Experiment: Scientific Evidence for Life After Death Plate 5: Daily Mirror Photograph Photograph from 28 Feb 1994 of the front page of the Daily Mirror, 16 Dec 1936. 28 Feb 1994 session. Photographic experiments. 6 people present. No light in cellar. 35 mm film. No flash. Camera self-levitates. After film development, 5th image of 11 frames with successfully transmitted images shows this front page of the ‘Daily Mirror’, dated 16 Dec 1936. A copy of the original is obtained. It is almost identical to the photograph, with some minor differences, which indicates it might have been from another edition on the same day. On 21 Mar 1994, an old penny dated 1936 is apported into the cellar with a bang; with the suggestion by communicators it relates to the 1936 photo. |
AESCHYLUS: Aeschylus (525-456 BCE) AKSAKOV: Alexander Aksakov {aka Aksakof} (1832–1903) AL-MASUDI: Al-Masudi (c. 896-956) AUERBACH: Loyd Auerbach (1956-) B
BACKSTER: Cleve Backster (1924-2013) BALFOUR: Arthur Balfour (1848-1930) BALFOUR: Gerald Balfour (1853-1945) BARRETT: William Barrett (1845-1925) BELOFF: John Beloff (1920-2006) BENDER: Hans Bender (1907-1991) BERGSON Henri Bergson (1859-1941) BESTERMAN: Theodore Besterman (1904-1976) BOSANQUET: Theodora Bosanquet (1881-1961) BOZZANO: Ernesto Bozzano (1862-1943) BRAUD: William G Braud ((1942-2012) C
CARINGTON: Whately Carington (1892-1947) CARR: Bernard Carr (1949-) CARRINGTON: Hereward Carrington (1880-1958) CARTER: Chris Carter (1956-) CASSIRER: Manfred Cassirer (1920-2003) CHRISTIE-MURRAY: David Christie-Murray (1913-2010) CORNELL: Tony Cornell (1923-2010) CROOKES: William Crookes (1832-1919) CURIE: Marie Curie (1867-1934) CURIE: Pierre Curie (1859-1906) D
DAVIS: Andrew Jackson Davis (1826-1910) DESSOIR: Max Dessoir (1867-1941) DICK: Philip K Dick DINGWALL: Eric Dingwall (1890-1986) DODDS: ER Dodds (1893-1979) DOYLE: Arthur Conan Doyle (1859-1930) DRAYTON THOMAS: Charles Drayton Thomas (1868-1953) DRIESCH: Hans Driesch (1867-1941) DUCASSE: CJ Ducasse (1881-1969) E
EDMONDS: John W Edmonds (1799-1874) EISENBUDD: Jule Eisenbud (1908-1999) ELLISON: Arthur Ellison (1920-2000) EVANS: Hilary Evans (1929-2011) F
FAIRFIELD: Letitia Fairfield (1885-1978) FENWICK: Peter Fenwick FIELDING: Everard Feilding (1867-1936) FLAMMARION: Camille Flammarion (1842-1925) FLOURNOY: Théodore Flournoy (1854-1920) FODOR: Nandor Fodor (1895-1964) FONTANA: David Fontana (1934-2010) G
GARLAND: Hamlin Garland (1861-1940) GAULD: Alan Gauld (1932-) GELEY: Gustave Geley (1868-1924) GILBERT: Mostyn Gilbert (1924-1992) GOLDNEY: Mollie Goldney (1895-1992) GREEN: Andrew Green (1927-2004) GREGORY: Anita Gregory (1925-1984) GROSSE: Maurice Grosse (1919-2006) GURNEY: Edmund Gurney (1847-1888) H
HARDY: Alister Hardy (1896-1985) HARE: Robert Hare (1781-1858) HERBERT: Benson Herbert (1912-1991) HEYWOOD: Rosalind Heywood (1895-1980) HODGSON: Richard Hodgson (1855-1905) HONORTON: Charles Honorton (1946-1992) HYSLOP: James Hyslop (1854-1920) I
INGLIS: Brian Inglis (1916-1993) J
JAMES: William James (1842-1910) JOAD: CEM Joad (1891-1953 K
KEEN: Montague Keen (1926-2004) KOESTLER: Arthur Koestler (1905-1983) L
LACHMAN: Gary Lachman [aka Gary Valentine] (1955-) LAMBERT: Guy Lambert (1889-1984) LANG: Andrew Lang (1844-1912) LOMBROSO: Cesare Lombroso (1835-1909) LYTTELTON: Edith Lyttelton (1865-1948) M
MACKENZIE: Andrew Mackenzie (1911-2001) MARCEL: Gabriel Marcel (1889-1973) MCCONNELL: Robert A McConnell (1914-2006) MCDOUGAL: William McDougall (1871-1938) MEDHURST: George Medhurst (1920-1971) MISHLOVE: Jeffrey Mishlove (1946-) MOODY: Raymond Moody (1944-) MORRIS: Robert Morris (1942-2004) MORSELLI: Enrico Morselli (1852-1929) MUNDLE: Clement Mundle (1916-1989) MURPHY: Gardner Murphy (1895-1979) MURRAY: Gilbert Murray (1866-1957) MYERS: Frederic WH Myers (1843-1901) |
NICOL: John Fraser Nicol (?-1989) NOYES: Ralph Noyes (1923-1998) O
OSIS: Karlis Osis (1917-1997) OWEN: ARG Owen (1919-2003) P
PETERS: William J Peters PEROVSKY-PETROVO-SOLOVONO: Count Perovsky-Petrovo-Solovovo (1868-1954) PHILLIMORE: Mercy Phillimore (1885-1975) PIDDINGTON: John Piddington (1869-1952) PIERCE: Charles Peirce (1839–1914) PODMORE: Frank Podmore (1856-1910) PRATT: JG Pratt (1910-1979) PRICE: Harry Price (1881-1948) PRICE: HH Price (1899-1984) PRIESTLY: JB Priestley (1894-1984) PRINCE: Walter Franklin Prince (1863-1934) PUHARICH: Andrija Puharich (1918-1995) Q
RHINE: JB Rhine (1895-1980) RHINE: Louisa E Rhine (1891-1983) RICHET: Charles Richet (1850-1935) ROBINSON: Chris Robinson (1951) ROGO: David Scott Rogo (1950-1990) ROLL: William Roll (1926-2012) ROY: Archie Roy (1924-2012) S
SALTER: William Salter (1880-1969) SALTMARSH: HF Saltmarsh (1881-1943) SCHMEIDLER: Gertrude Schmeidler (1912-2009) SCHNITTGER: Karin Schnittger SCHNITTGER: Walter Schnittger SCHRENK-NOTZING: Albert von Schrenck-Notzing (1862-1929) SEMKIW: Walter Semkiw SHELDRAKE: Rupert Sheldrake (1942) SHRODER: Tom Shroder SIDGWICK: Eleanor Sidgwick (1845-1936) SIDGWICK: Henry Sidgwick (1838-1900) SOAL: SG Soal (1890-1975) STEAD: William T Stead (1849-1912) STEVENSON: Ian Stevenson, (1918-2007) STRATTON: FJM Stratton (1881-1960) STRUTT: John Strutt, 3rd Baron Rayleigh (1842-1919) STRUTT: Robert Strutt, 4th Baron Rayleigh (1875-1947) SUDRE: René Sudre (1880-1968) T
TENHAEFF: WHC Tenhaeff (1894-1981) THALBOURNE: Michael A Thalbourne (1955-2010) THOULESS: Robert Thouless (1894-1984) THURSTON: Herbert Thurston (1856-1939) TYRELL: GNM Tyrrell (1879-1952) U
ULLMAN: Montague Ullman (1916-2008) UNDERWOOD: Peter Underwood (1923-2014) W
WALLACE: Alfred Russel Wallace (1823-1913) WARCOLLIER: René Warcollier (1881-1962) WHITEMAN: Michael Whiteman (1906-2007) X
ZÖLLNER: Johann Friedrich Zöllner (1834–1882) ZORAB: George Zorab (1898-1990) |